
Learning by sharing


Android Chrome remote debugging

  • Chrome 32 or higher in your desktop
  • USB driver installed
  • Android 4.0 or higher
  • Chrome for Android installed
  1. Open chrome, and open DevTools.(does not work in incognito mode or guest mode)
  2. In your desktop's DevTools, click Main Menu, and select More Tools -> Remote devices
  3. Enable Discover USB device in Remote devices setting tab.
  4. Enable USB debugging in Android device.
  5. Connect Android device with USB cable.
  6. Accept Allow USB debugging permission prompt in Android device, and the desktop's Remote devices tab will show up your device.
  7. Open Chrome for Android
  8. Click your device name in Remote devices setting tab, it will show all your webpage that opened in your Chrome, including apps that use webview.
  9. In your opened webpage, click Inspect next to the URL, will launch a new instance of DevTools. DevTools may look different base on the Android's Chrome version.
  10. Click Toggle Screencast to view the content of your Android Device. You can interact with the screencast.

iOS Safari remote debugging


Can be used in a physical iPhone device or iPhone Simulator(using Xcode).
  • iOS 6 and later


  1. Enable the Develop menu in your desktop's Safari: Open Safari's Preference -> Advanced -> Show Develop menu in menu bar.
  2. Enable Web Inspector in iOS device: Open Settings -> Safari -> Scroll down and select Advanced -> Select Web Inspector.
  3. Connect your iPhone to the Mac using a USB cable(physical iPhone device), or starting the iPhone simulator(Xcode's iPhone Simulator), and open a webpage using iOS's Safari
  4. In Mac's Safari, select Develop menu, and you can see the iPhone option or the Simulator option. Select iPhone(or Simulator) and select a webpage, it will launch a new Web Inspector instance.

Wechat/QQ remote debugging

Generic webpage remote debugging

Weinre(WEb INspector REmote)


  • Node.js


  1. Install weinre: npm i -g weinre
  2. Start weinre debug server: weinre --httpPort 8080 --boundHost -all-
  3. Open localhost:8080 in your browser
  4. Add a script to your html file: <script src="http://localhost[Your IP]:8080/target/target-script-min.js#anonymous"></script>
  5. Using mobile device to open the html file
  6. Open http://localhost[Your IP]:8080/client/#anonymous you'll see all the client that have opened the target html, and you click one of the client, you can start to inspect the webpage.

